MDS and the Three Keys


  • AllClir measurable disinfectant sensors (MDS) provide manufacturers, distributors and operators alike the ability to validate that chemistry and sprayer combinations perform as expected.
  • Sprayer operators immediately receive unambiguous visual feedback informing them whether they have indeed visibly wetted the surrounding surface with appropriate disinfectant.
  • Ensures appropriate volume of material is used, preventing both under and over spraying.
  • Managers, employees and customers see actual proof of work and feel assured that steps are being taken to keep areas safe and clean.
  • Again, AllClir sensors variously detect quaternary ammonia, free chlorine (e.g. chlorine dioxide, hypochlorous acid), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), citric acid, thymol and others.


  • If a disinfectant mixture is too dilute or there is residual water in the sprayer, an AllClir sensor will not respond to it as expected and the employee will thus know to remix the disinfectant and/or clear out the residual water.
  • Teaching proper technique is challenging without timely, accurate and precise feedback. AllClir sensors provide this feedback via an immediate, visible reaction both the trainer and trainee can easily use to improve overall performance.
  • AllClir sensors are designed to expose performance issues relative to spraying distance, rate and other aspects of technique. Employees can see in real-time how such variables affect final surface chemistry concentrations.
  • Thus, most notably, AllClir usage defines the correct distance the sprayer operator needs to stand from a surface to effectively wet the surface.
  • Likewise, AllClir sensors help address pesky ambient conditions (temperature, humidity, wind, water hardness, etc.) that affect the disinfection process. The sensors won’t flip if these conditions prevent visible wetness on the surface.
  • Consequently, new surface configurations and new environments can be quickly assessed for the most effective disinfection procedures and techniques.
  • What’s more, each AllClir sensor essentially symbolizes the importance of “wet time”, encouraging a culture of respect for this fundamental criteria of disinfection. In this deep regard, the sensors can be considered "behavior-change delivery vehicles."


  • Once triggered ("flipped") by the corresponding disinfectant, an AllClir sensor will stay in that state permanently, allowing managers to keep it as a record of the disinfection procedure.
  • Each AllClir sensor flip can be digitized on the spot by smartphone camera and uploaded via app to The Provenance Chain Network, where it will reside as an immutable, blockchain record of the event in space and time (i.e. geo- and time-stamped).
  • Detailed analysis can be performed on the data built up from AllClir usage.
  • Sensors can be designed to be small and discreet, facilitating covert auditing.
  • In combination with other measurable auditing tools, such as ATP bioluminescence testing, AllClir supports a robust, scalable and ongoing assessment of facility cleanliness.